Join the first annual virtual Greek Festival!

Join in with us for the first annual virtual Greek Festival on the 18th and 19th September! I…

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Allergy and Free From Show 2019

Last weekend I attended the annual Allergy and Free From show 2019 in London with my mum. With…

Storytime at bliss in the park

As many of my readers know, I have recently self published my very first children’s book Celia’s Coeliac Story. I have previously written about my step by step guide process of how I created my book for those who are thinking of self publishing. I was recently asked to read my book at Wimbledon’s Bliss in the Park in South Park Gardens, which I was delighted to do. Storytime in the park is a really fun way of introducing children to new stories from storytellers, each with a 20 minute slot time.

Picture book step by step guide

This step by step guide is how I created my picture book Celia’s Coeliac Story which is now being sold on Amazon Worldwide. I drew my illustrations on a watercolour pad, and used Aquatico watercolour pencils and a brush to colour. I then took pictures of each individual illustration, and edited using Photoshop, In design and Microsoft word.

Gluten Free Brighton weekend

Over the Easter bank holiday, I travelled to Brighton for a gluten free Brighton weekend! When the sun comes out everyone rushes to the seaside. Growing up in a seaside town, I know just how crazy we get as soon as we get a whiff of sun.

Celia’s Coeliac Story Children’s Book!

After two years in the making, I have finally self published my children’s book! The main reason that…