I didn’t know that about gluten!

Gluten lurks around every corner, every surface you touch, there could be gluten! There could be cross contamination and you may not even know! We all know about the obvious stuff that contains gluten but here are some surprising ones to look out for!

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What to do if you get glutened!

Have you ever been glutened? Chances are, you probably have at some point. Usually, symptoms occur within a…

Tips for a coeliac on a budget!

Are you a coeliac on a budget? Ever wondered how much I spend on my gluten free food…

A whole new world! Going gluten free my 10 tips!

A whole new world! With new horizons to pursue! So…You’re on a gluten free diet! Now what? There is so much information out there that it can be a little daunting to process and also a bit confusing! Here are my 10 tips to helping you on your way to a path of gluten free-ness!

5 ways to declutter your life!

We have all felt a little overwhelmed at times with things going on in our lives. I always find that organising the home and decluttering can help me see the light!

Zizzi Vs Niche London

I have been travelling into London a fair amount these past few months for events and outings. So I thought it would be quite good to write about two restaurants that I have visited and compare them!