How Digital Detox Unveils a More Balanced Life

In a world where our screens are like our lifelines, there is an increasing shout for the need…

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Tips for eating out when you’re gluten free

Enjoying meals out with friends and family should be an enjoyable experience without stress or challenge. For many of us, eating out presents regular challenges and stresses, especially if we have coeliac disease, IBS, intolerances or food allergies

How to avoid cross contamination in your kitchen

We have all been there. That voice inside our head that screams ”it’s contaminated!” when your not so helpful friend accidentally puts your bread in the toaster without the toastie bags! Or your boyfriend uses the same knife to dunk into your favourite jam, and then spreads it on his (gasp) non gluten free bread. So many gluten lurking opportunities, it’s an absolute nightmare trying to keep on top of the cross contamination!

I didn’t know that about gluten!

Gluten lurks around every corner, every surface you touch, there could be gluten! There could be cross contamination and you may not even know! We all know about the obvious stuff that contains gluten but here are some surprising ones to look out for!

What to do if you get glutened!

Have you ever been glutened? Chances are, you probably have at some point. Usually, symptoms occur within a…

Tips for a coeliac on a budget!

Are you a coeliac on a budget? Ever wondered how much I spend on my gluten free food…