Don’t let gluten ruin your christmas!

gluten free Christmas

Ah Christmas time! A time to spread the joy and love with our friends and family. Our social calendars are filling up with work parties, family gatherings and our friends’ shindigs. Lots of merriment, drinking and stuffing our faces. We certainly do not want to be getting glutened at this merry time of year! Here are some of my top tips to help you steer clear of gluten this holiday season.

gluten free Christmas

gluten free christmas

gluten free Christmas

1. Don’t touch the stuffing!

Avoid any stuffing at all costs, unless of course it is gluten free stuffing! You may think that turkey doesn’t contain gluten, but it is probably already stuffed and it certainly isn’t gluten free! So why not make your own stuffing from leftover bread.

If you want to buy a stuffing, then Paxo do a nice gluten free stuffing! Check it out HERE!


2. Buy some gluten free crackers or oatcakes

Perfect with red onion chutney or when you are sampling some tasty cheese. Morrisons crackers are perfect for this!

3. Check coating on everything!

Are you cheating with your potatoes and using ready roasted? Then you know what that means! Wheat flour alert! Do check ingredients before you do your Christmas shop!

4. Check your drinks before getting tipsy

Most beers, lagers and ales contain gluten but wine and spirits are naturally gluten free. If you plan to serve beer or lager, then opt for a gluten free one, like Celia Premium Czech Lager.

5. Check menus

Always check the menu at restaurants before you book. Make sure they have clearly outlined what is gluten free on their Christmas menus.

gluten free christmas

6. Bring your own food

Going to a friends party? Bring your own gluten free food, always! Even if they tell you they have got it all covered and tell you to just bring the booze, chances are they may not have that much for you to eat. (Unless they have bought the entire Christmas gluten free section!) So bring some of your own gluten free stuff just in case!

7. Is that gravy gluten free?

Always remember that sauces or gravy may contain gluten. So make sure it is gluten free before pouring it all over your yummy meal. I sometimes use the Knorr gravy stockpots or the Kallo Organic Gravy granules and they are gluten and lactose free!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Disclaimer-Some images are stock images sourced from pexels. All words are my own.


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