After two years in the making, I have finally self published my children’s book! The main reason that I wanted to write a children’s book was because I love books and secondly, I know that there are a lot of children who are becoming diagnosed with coeliac disease, so I wanted to write this for them and their parents. My book is about a young crocodile called Celia who feels very unwell. After visiting the doctor and taking a blood test, she finds out that she has coeliac disease. I wrote this in rhyme, as anyone that knows me well will know that I love to write in poetry form! I worked with the very talented and super lovely Roza Hamta, who designed my front cover. I found Roza by chance, just scrolling the internet for local illustrators, and found her work on a local art website, and thought her work would be the perfect fit for the front cover, and I am so pleased with it.
I don’t know why it has taken me this long to actually self publish it, maybe because I thought it would be a HUGE task to undertake, and it has been quite a tiring task; from illustrating (very basic I may add-as I am in no way an illustrator!) to uploading and then sending myself a number of proof copies realising there were more adjustments to be made. But is has finally been completed. I am hugely proud of this book, and hope that you will all enjoy it too! It is available to buy on Amazon UK and worldwide-so you don’t have an excuse! 😉
So please do check out Celia’s Coeliac Story on Amazon when you get the chance, and have a look at Roza’s work-she is fab!
Thanks for reading! And don’t forget to check out the links on my site for help and advice on coeliac disease!