As many of my readers know, I have recently self published my very first children’s book Celia’s Coeliac Story. I have previously written about my step by step guide process of how I created my book for those who are thinking of self publishing. I was recently asked to read my book at Wimbledon’s Bliss in the Park in South Park Gardens, which I was delighted to do. Storytime in the park is a really fun way of introducing children to new stories from storytellers, each with a 20 minute slot time.
I had a lot of fun reading my book, and discussed with many parents about allergies and coeliac disease. It was a great way to discuss and spread the word about coeliac disease and plug my book! I will be reading at the Allergy and Free From show in London’s Olympia on 7th July so check out the link below!
Bliss in the park is a great way to introduce children to new stories within the much loved south park gardens. The bliss in the park cafe offers up a variety of tasty food, so definitely go and check it out!
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