Food Advisr App: My review

food app

There are so many apps out there to help us check ingredients in food, but are they really that useful? I only have one food app on my phone which is the ‘sugar smart’ app. It is good, but I don’t really use it that often. I recently got in touch with a company called FoodAdvisr who have created an app where you can scan products when you are out and about and according to your selected intolerances, will give you a run down of the ingredients so you can see before purchasing. This week I tried out the app. Here are my thoughts!

shopping aisle

shopping aisle

The app is easy to find on the Playstore and is available for android as well as iPhone, which is good. It downloaded quickly and after signing in, it took me straight to creating a profile, where you simply click the toggle bar on your intolerances, allergies and other dietary preferences. Scanning the items was quick and easy, although I shop in Tesco express quite a lot and sadly I couldn’t use it there, but in time, I am sure Tesco will be included. It picked up on random items from my cupboard at home, and was quick at scanning unlike other apps that I have tried. The results are clear and there is an option to view as an ‘expert user’ which gives you the low down on calories and saturated fat.

food advisr app

food advisr app

food advisr app

As someone who rarely downloads food apps, I found this app very easy to use. I will probably keep it on my phone and use it occasionally. It is a good app and has a large range of preferences which you can simply update or change by clicking the toggle bar. If an item is not suitable for you, then it will show the skull or warning image straight away.

So, if you love scanning food products on your phone then give this one a try.

Have you tried this app? What do you think of it?

Check out the foodadvisr website here



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