I didn’t know that about gluten!

Gluten lurks around every corner, every surface you touch, there could be gluten! There could be cross contamination and you may not even know! We all know about the obvious stuff that contains gluten but here are some surprising ones to look out for!

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What to do if you get glutened!

Have you ever been glutened? Chances are, you probably have at some point. Usually, symptoms occur within a…

Valentine’s Chocolate and Berry Mousse Torte Dessert

Valentine’s Dessert! Here is my delicious Valentine’s Day chocolate, raspberry and cherry mousse torte dessert that is simply divine! Impress your loved ones or friends with this simple and fun recipe. Trust me, they won’t be disappointed!

Celebrating 2 years on the blog!

2 years on the blog! Happy 2nd Birthday to The Gluten Free Greek! When I first started, I really had no idea about blogging at all, and was not a social media fan. I was flung into a world of tweets, likes, shares and insta stories and had no clue what I was doing half the time!

Christiana’s Cottage Pie!

Christiana’s cottage pie is a definite for the cold, wet weather! If you want a tasty mid week…