How to avoid cross contamination in your kitchen

We have all been there. That voice inside our head that screams ”it’s contaminated!” when your not so helpful friend accidentally puts your bread in the toaster without the toastie bags! Or your boyfriend uses the same knife to dunk into your favourite jam, and then spreads it on his (gasp) non gluten free bread. So many gluten lurking opportunities, it’s an absolute nightmare trying to keep on top of the cross contamination!

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Weekend Chill with Stella Artois

Hot off the press! Stella Artois have released a gluten free beer! I was lucky enough to sample the beer last weekend, after receiving the most gorgeous hamper! Stella Artois is the UKs number one brand, so creating this for the gluten free market will definitely be great for all those beer lovers out there. It is coeliac UK certified, and will be available throughout the UK this autumn.

What to do if you get glutened!

Have you ever been glutened? Chances are, you probably have at some point. Usually, symptoms occur within a…

Tips for a coeliac on a budget!

Are you a coeliac on a budget? Ever wondered how much I spend on my gluten free food…

A whole new world! Going gluten free my 10 tips!

A whole new world! With new horizons to pursue! So…You’re on a gluten free diet! Now what? There is so much information out there that it can be a little daunting to process and also a bit confusing! Here are my 10 tips to helping you on your way to a path of gluten free-ness!

Delicious Chocolate Fruit and Nut Bars

Try my delicious fruit and nut bars that are gluten free, wheat free, egg free and dairy free! They are easy to make and not time consuming!