Lamb Pasta Bake

I absolutely love lamb pasta bake. As you all have probably guessed, I don’t like faffing when it comes to my food. I like making grub that tastes good and I try to use ingredients that don’t cost the earth. Bish bash bosh job done! This week, I made a lamb pasta bake, with courgettes, spring onions and parmesan cheese, with a few large spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt.

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Sweet Potato with Leek and Pepper Rice

I never used to be a massive fan of sweet potatoes until recently when I was getting bored of having the same old same old and wanted to spice up my life! Sweet potatoes are a good way of changing up recipes and you can do a lot with them. You can mash them, cut them into wedges, make thin fries, make a topping with them and more! You can create many exciting recipes.

Easy Peasy Energy Bars

We all need that little boost of energy to get us through the day. There are lots of energy bars available out there to buy but they are quite expensive. So, as another option, you could make them at home and make a big batch that you can keep in the fridge! I have made my own energy bars and they were easy to make and took me about 10 minutes to prepare!

My Coeliac Journey 5 years on

I cannot quite believe it has been 5 years since I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. It has been quite a journey, from struggling to find places that catered for my needs and having Coeliac disease mocked by certain individuals and acquaintances who couldn’t quite understand how much harm gluten was doing to my body.

Spinach and Feta Tarts

I have been very good and have been eating a lot of greens, including spinach. Spinach is great for your diet and is beneficial for keeping your skin healthy and is rich in vitamins and even helps to promote hair growth. I decided to make some spinach tarts which would be great for a party or a picnic! So here’s how to make them!

Easter Bunny Cake

It’s almost Easter! Time for an Easter Bunny Cake! This super Easter bunny cake looks great and is simple to make! Let’s follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole, and see if he can transport us to another land!