We’ve had some pretty chilly days recently, so I decided that a chicken casserole dish was needed for the blog. If you have vegetables in the fridge that you need to use up, this casserole will definitely keep you warm and fill you up.
Chicken Casserole Recipe Prep Time: 20 mins | Cook Time: 1 hour 30 mins
You will need:
Chicken legs and thighs
New potatoes
Brussel sprouts (I used the mauve coloured ones)
Turnip, parsnips or suedes (or all three)
Red onions finely chopped
Gluten free chicken stock (Oxo do a gluten free one or Knorr chicken stock pot)
What to do:
1) Roast the chicken thighs and legs in the oven with a drizzle of oil and cover with foil until brown for about 30 mins.
2) Chop all the vegetables up and put in a casserole dish along with the chicken and add the stock over the top so it just covers everything. You could add some leftover wine to the stock if you fancy.
3) Put in oven for an hour and a half on a slow cook at 150°-160 °C/140º Fan
Enjoy warming yourself up with this casserole 😉
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