Barley Cup Instant Drink Review

I recently worked with BarleyCup, which is an instant cereal drink made from natural ingredients. Their products are gluten free, vegan and caffeine free! I was interested to try these as an alternative to my usual cups of tea! I conducted a little experiment with some ladies from my dance class as well as family members to see whether they could taste any difference to their usual hot beverages.

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Chewsy Gum The 100% Natural Chewing Gum!

This week, I decided to be “chewsy”, and try out some new gum! Whenever I chew gum, I am reminded of the days when I used to wear braces, so chewing any gum or sticky chewy sweets was a big no no. The longing I felt when everyone else was chewing gum and stuffing their faces with chewy fruitellas, wine gums and chewitts!