What to do if you get glutened!

Have you ever been glutened? Chances are, you probably have at some point. Usually, symptoms occur within a…

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Seamore Seaweed I Sea Bacon Review

You may be reading this title thinking what the heck? Seaweed bacon? Yes that’s right, seaweed in the form of crunchy leaves that fry like bacon. Seamore is a company specialising in yes you guessed it seaweed! Currently they stock ‘I sea pasta’ and ‘I sea bacon’. This week I decided to try out this seaweed ‘bacon’ that is 100% wild organic seaweed and reap the health benefits!

Mr Lee’s Healthy Pot Noodles

The story of Mr Lee’s pot noodles starts with a man called Damien Lee. A big lover of pot noodles, he embarked on creating his own style of pot noodle. Damien was diagnosed with cancer, and knew that in order to become well again, he would need to make a change in his lifestyle and his diet. He was determined to keep his body and mind healthy. So by revolutionising the pot noodle, he created something that was full of goodness without all of the rubbish ingredients. When Mr Lee got the all clear, Mr Lees Noodles was born.