Brit Mums Live Awards September 2017

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I am so excited to be writing this post about the Brit Mums Live! This was the first big blogging event that I have attended in my blogging life so far and it was incredibly exciting. Brit Mums is Britain’s biggest collective of social media influencers and lifestyle bloggers.

 My sister Ekaterina, was a finalist for the Brilliance in Blogging also known as Bibs awards in the readers choice category, so we also attended the awards ceremony on the city cruises party! We were surrounded by so many wonderful social media influencers and had fun meeting new people.

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The day started at County Hall, an ideal location for an event like this, as it is next to the London eye and has fantastic views of the Thames. The day was jam packed with workshops, live demonstrations, brand experiences, and it was great to gain valuable guidance on such a busy and competitive social media world.

The awards ceremony was held on the city cruise liner which was beautiful, however, I am not very good on boats, and I had nowhere to escape to get fresh air! I had to make sure I kept my sickness bands on my wrists throughout the duration of the cruise!

Sadly, my sister didn’t win in her category but we were glad we attended the event. I am very proud of her and all the effort she puts into her blog, her Youtube, her books and she is an absolutely fabulous mummy to two little munchkins! Check out the youtube video below!

Our video

#BRITMUMS #BML17 #citycruises #BiBs2017

Blogging event

What was I wearing?


Coat-New Look

Shoes-Sergio Todzi

Scarf-Vintage (my nans)

Dress-Karen Millen





  1. Lefteris
    12th February 2018 / 3:04 am


    • 13th February 2018 / 4:32 pm

      ευχαριστώ Lefteris!

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